

Thank you for choosing to live with us in the Alice Holloway 你ng Commons residence hall complex! 我们很高兴你们来到中冶集团, 我们真诚地希望你们享受课堂内外的体验.



我们坚持在政策 房屋政策手册 手册,并鼓励您阅读和了解政策, 因为在你逗留期间,你可能会对他们负责. Not reading or knowing policy is not an acceptable excuse for violations of policy or the housing agreement. 是明智的! 读了!


所有住在学生宿舍的学生都必须是全日制学生. 你 必须 保持至少12学时的工作量(TRS学时计算在内). 学生在任何时间以任何理由低于12学时都可能被开除. 如果你认为你有危险,请联系住房和居住生活办公室. 请注意:如果你做得不好或没有去上课, 教授可以不经你同意就开除你.


宿舍学生与通勤学生有单独的停车许可证. 请务必每学期到服务台登记您的车辆. 


请照做! 垃圾室被贴上了可回收物和可回收物的标签. 垃圾. 我们在您的房间里提供可回收的容器. 利用它们——帮助我们尽自己的一份力量来减少浪费.


Room changes are available beginning 2 weeks after the start of the semester for a 2 week period. If you would prefer a different suite or room style or if you are having difficulty with your suite-mates, 请随时要求换房间. 换房申请只在住宿生活办公室接受. 


我们的首要任务是大厅的安全. If, 在任何时候, 你没有安全感, 需要报告紧急情况, 我想找人陪护,或者想报告在大厅里的破坏活动, 请与我们的 公共安全办公室:585-292-2911(紧急) 或2912(非紧急情况). 这是全天候服务.

We have also placed individuals and equipment in the residence halls to assist with maintaining your safety.

  • 居民助理 每层楼都住着训练有素的学生吗, 他们的存在是为了帮助你了解其他人, 在你的套房里解决问题, 计划有趣的活动(称为项目), 保持楼层的清洁和安全. 他们以大学官员的身份工作,应该受到尊重. They are frequently called upon to hold their peers accountable - one of the most difficult jobs a student at this age can do.
  • 常驻董事 每栋楼都有专业人员居住吗. 这些人拥有硕士学位或在该领域具有同等的工作经验. 他们会因为任何原因花时间和你见面, 而是专门负责处理行为案件, 管理公寓间的冲突,避免冲突升级, 监督他们大楼的规划, 以及他们所在地区的整体运作(以及许多其他事情)!). 总有一个随叫随到的RD来处理宿舍里的危机或紧急情况.
  • 夜班服务台服务员 学生职员是通过公共安全办公室雇佣和培训的吗. They add extra security to the residence halls from 6pm-12am by signing in guests (yes all of your guests 必须 sign in and 必须 have photo ID), 检查行李(是的, 我们可以检查您的随身物品,以确保大楼的安全。, 并为需要公共安全援助的学生提供一定程度的服务.
  • 公共安全2 从12点到6点维护大楼的安全. 他们登记客人并检查行李. 偶尔, ps2可以响应事件,处理大厅区域的事件, 几乎总是在宿舍生活人员的帮助下.
  • 公共安全及和平主任 是经过学院培训的全职公共安全官员吗. They have the right to carry fire arms and the ability to make an arrest if they deem it necessary. They walk through the halls during the day and maintain a presence with their front door security teams in the evening. 在大多数情况下, a peace officer will respond to incidents in the residence halls in conjunction with residence life staff.
  • 社区警察 是全职的公共安全人员吗. Some of them are also peace officers and do "double duty" to assist with building community and rapport with you in the residence halls. 社区 Policy Officers work closely with the residence life staff to program and provide educational opportunities for students based upon the current climate in the residence halls.
  • 卡片存取系统 有什么可以让你进入宿舍的吗, 但为了阻止非学生宿舍的学生进入. 与主校区不同,学生宿舍不向公众开放. Even parents are not able to just "walk in" to a residence hall to visit you without you letting them into the building. We highly encourage you not to just open the door for any individual waiting in the foyer - you never know if they live there or what their intentions are.
  • 闭路电视摄像头 是否位于公共区域、走廊和停车场. 是的,我们监控学生宿舍内外的活动. CCTV has become a swift deterrent to crime and other incidents in the residence halls and is easily pulled for "evidence" purposes.
  • 喷水灭火系统 都安装在每个宿舍里吗. When a smoke detector is triggered, it sends an automatic alarm to the Public 安全 dispatch office. Public 安全 immediately responds whether the alarm activates in one suite or ends up "dumping" the entire building. 每个公共区域、走廊和套房的每个房间都安装了洒水装置. 这些是温度激活的,每秒可以倾倒大量的水. It is not recommended that you tamper with any of the fire safety/suppression equipment as that is a swift way to lose your ability to live in the residence halls (and incur hefty fines!).


Students who find themselves in violation of college or residence hall policy will participate in the student conduct process. The student conduct process is meant to be a deterrent to deliberate violations of policy as well as an educational tool in the event that a student makes a poor decision. 社区生活需要行为标准, 合作, 谈判, 尊重所有社区成员, 包括学生和教职员. 通过这个过程, 我们试图将学生与有益的校园资源联系起来, opportunities for them to learn/restore balance to the community for the harm their decisions may have caused, 并且教授关于个人责任的课程.

教育系统中的学生行为过程不是一个法律过程. 律师不得出席举行听证会, 我们不会使用“有罪”或“无罪”这样的语言, 我们也没有使用与政府法院系统要求的相同的证明标准. 学生确实有正当程序(收费通知)的权利, 公平的听证, 上诉的能力).


  • 除最严重的宿舍事件外,负责裁决所有宿舍事件的宿舍主任. rd被授权确定责任并分配制裁.
  • Office of 住房和居住生活: The Director or Assistant Director for 住房和居住生活 hear appeals of Resident Director decisions and adjudicate incidents in which high level sanctions (like residence hall removal) may be imposed.
  • Office of the Vice President for Student Services:The Office of the Vice President for Student Services adjudicates the most serious of residence hall incidents, 哪里的大学行为规范也被违反了. 本办公室可同时对宿舍和学院实施制裁.


当操守人员收到可能违反政策的通知时, they will review the report and schedule to meet with the referred student(s) for a student conduct hearing to discuss the incident. All correspondence regarding the conduct process will be sent to a student's MCC student email address, 学生们有责任检查这封邮件并做出适当的回应.

在这次会议上, the student can expect to be provided with a description of the incident and the alleged violations. The students will be given the opportunity to hear the allegations and give their description of what happened. 在这个会议上,学生应该诚实,并鼓励他们提出问题. 听证官可以在证据不足的情况下驳回指控, 把这个学生转到另一个办公室, 根据证据找出“负责”或“不负责”的学生.

如果学生没有参加学生行为听证会, 听证会可以在学生缺席的情况下进行. 学生有责任完成任何和所有指定的制裁, but does maintain the right to appeal the decision of the conduct officer to the appropriate next level office within 48 hours of receiving the decision letter.



学生可以对任何品行官的决定提出上诉. Appeals of Resident Director decisions would be submitted to the 住房和居住生活 Office. Appeals of an officer in the 住房和居住生活 Office can be submitted to the Office for review by another individual in the 住房和居住生活 Office. Appeals of a Student Services hearing would go to the Student Services Office to be reviewed by the President.

提出上诉, a student would submit a letter that clearly identifies the basis for appeal within 24-48 hours of receiving the conduct decision letter. Please note that an appeal may be rejected if the student bases the appeal on simply disagreeing with the outcome. 可接受的上诉理由有:

  • 新证据. Information relevant to the incident is brought forth that may influence the outcome of the decision.
  • 违反正当程序:未被告知涉嫌违反, 提供了讨论事件的机会, 并给予上诉的权利.
  • Improper sanction: Acceptance of responsibility with the request for consideration of alternate sanctions.


  • 驳回上诉(无理由)
  • 建议修改后的制裁
  • 坚持原来的决定和制裁

如果需要额外的信息,学生可能会被邀请或不被邀请参加上诉听证会. 学生将收到上诉决定的书面通知. 上诉决定是最终的和有约束力的-你不能上诉.